Copyright Symbol

The Copyright Symbol is the symbol which is attached to the product or creation to imply that the same is under copyright protection. Hence, any work bearing the copyright symbol cannot be reproduced or distributed commercially, or used or promoted publically, without the proper permission of the mentioned copyright holder or owner. This copyright symbol usually and generically consists of an encircled C as © for all creations except the sound recordings. The creations containing sound recordings are indicated as being copyright by the symbol of an encircled P. This copyright symbol conveys the incisive message that any type of misappropriation of or infringement upon the concerned creation or work would invite stern legal notices and due punishment and compensation to the infringer. The section below offers additional information about how to type copyright symbol, and illustrations of the terms associated with the way of presentation. Our law firm is a well-established legal organization of worldwide prominence and repute, with the whole gamut of services regarding all areas of legal practice, inherently including copyright laws in jurisdictions worldwide. This elaborate article offers enlightening information about the copyright symbol free, to our visitors and clients belonging to the world over.

How to Type Copyright symbol

A copyright symbol or sign, is assigned to the copyright work to protect the original and unique expression of the matters involved. Therefore, this copyright symbol must be depicted properly and conspicuously on the creative works. To type copyright symbol, generally the following pattern is commonly followed: Copyright © Year [Name or any Indication about the Copyright Owner]. All Rights Reserved.

The "Year" indicates the year in which the first publication of the copyright work is made in the market. The copyright owner could be an individual, entity, or an association of individuals or companies. The identification of the copyright owner may be made by its Name (full or abbreviated name), or its most prominent or popular name.

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